Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Where We Have Been...

Where We Have Been... Acts 13:4-12
The following is an outline of what we have been looking at since last September. This may look a little short this week, but if you follow the outline with your open Bible, you will see how, over the course of time during those early years of the Growing Church, how the early Believers held up under good times and hard times. They followed the Message with a heart that was open.
Acts 1 The Command and the Promise
Acts 2 The Day of Power
Acts 3 What I Have I give To You
Acts 4 On Trial Powerful Prayer (4:25-26)
Acts 5 Share or Horde Ananias & Sapphina
Acts 6 Seven Chosen To Serve Stephen
Acts 7 Stephen Speaks / Dies
Acts 8 Intro to Saul Church Scattered “Can't Buy It!”
Acts 9 Saul's Fall…To RiseActs 10 Cornelius Called
Acts 11 Peter Explains His Actions Antioch Sends Out Two
Acts 12 Prayers That Really Worked --Herod Dies
Not By Lots But By Holy Spirit God Speaks
13:4~12 TWO WENT OUT “BY THE HOLY SPIRIT” proclaimed The Word of God
What elements? … (see below) * Helper in John Mark. He had seen God Work (chapter 12) Now he is growing/learning.
Meet a man named Elymas, the sorcerer (Bar-Jesus)
Meet a man named Sergius Paulus He wanted to hear the Word of God.
God deals with Elymas -into a cloud of darkness!
Paulus believed when he saw what happened to Bar-Jesus! Amazed at the teaching about the Lord. (Be more than amazed at the Work of Jesus in a life--be open to it for a change in your life.)
WHAT ELEMENTS? * … Same things as before.
The Gospel is the Message… And that means a changed life is a wonderful example of such a good news in a person. The Message is that Jesus is alive and living in the hearts of those who have turned to Him. He is alive and has been offering His forgiveness for our sins. That is the Gospel.

“The Gospel is the Message and the Message is the Lord”

Get to know the Lord by listening to the Message

Be in a place where that can happen-location- attend a Bible believing fellowship and be under authority of a Bible believing group. Have an open heart to the 'things of God.'
Who'd you want to be? Bar-Jesus or Sergius Paulus? Both were in the dark.
One stayed there and the darkness was increased!
Both saw the Light
Both heard the Message!
One remained in the dark
One believed in the Light! Be more than Amazed! Get to know the Lord by taken action on the Message.
Read the Bible and let it capture your heart. Let lust go and fill your heart with His Word so you will not fall from His Grace / heart.
Flee youthful lust.
1 John 2:16 (NIV) For everything in the world-the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does-comes not from the Father but from the world.
2 Timothy 2:22 (NIV) Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.This message is not just for the young men in our midst but for all people.We are to be a Holy people. And we need each other to get there.

This Next Sunday is our Covered Dish! That means you can bring some food or drink to share with your Friends at ICCS. The meal starts right after the service and goes until all the food is gone--or 2:15--whichever come first! If you want to come for the meal-why not come for the first course and come before 10:30 for the Worship Time. See you at ICCS on Sunday!