Given the sudden onset of a difficult situation in our lives, prayer may not be our first thought; trust in God may not always be our default position.
When we are in church or when we are with other believers, we have learned exactly what words to say and how to frame a conversation so we always look good. We believe we believe all the right doctrines.
We probably know how to pray in a way that exemplifies a mature spirituality, but if we are presented with an opportunity to take a step of faith, we will likely take a step back. All this comes from years of training in which we learned how to act Christian, without living Christian.
If the Christian life were only a short sprint, if it were possible for us to "git ‘er done" quickly and easily, we might be able to fake our way through to the end. But the Christian life is neither quick nor easy. The Christian life is a long haul. We've been told this before. It's a distance run, a marathon, in which the prize goes to the one who lasts all the way to the finish line.
もし、クリスチャン生活が短距離走だったら、適当にごまかしながら生きることは出来ます. しかし、クリスチャン生活は簡単なものではありません。それは長く続くものです。聞いたことがあるかもしれませんが、それはゴールまで走り続けたものだけが認められる長距離マラソンのようなものなのです。
While we all want to win this race, the fact is that we all stumble around quite a bit. If the Christian life is a marathon, by the time we get to Heartbreak Hill, we are running on fumes!
We are running on empty. We have very little spiritual energy left. There is no disgrace in that – this is simply the truth about life as we are living it. The wonderful thing is that we have a relationship with this God who has revealed Himself here in His Word. Our Father God is compassionate and merciful.
In truth, it is God who picks us up and carries us across that finish line at the end.
Today we are going to look at the account of Zechariah and the announcement he received from God, which came near the end of his marathon run, concerning the upcoming birth of a son that God named John.
Luke 1: 5 - 25
Like many people in those days as well as today, Zechariah and his wife experienced barrenness in their life together. Although they were believing and faithful people, the reality was for them as it is for us, that life does not always work out to our liking. Though they tried, they never had a baby.当時も今日も多くの人が経験していると思いますが、ゼカリヤ夫妻には子供が居ませんでした。彼らは信仰的でしたが、現実は彼らにも私たちにもおなじです。人生は私たちの思うようにはいかないのです。彼らは努力しましたが子供は出来ませんでした。
Though they prayed – and we are given to understand that they prayed for years – they never had a baby. Though they had believed God for a miracle, they never had a baby. Now in their old age, Zechariah had come to the place where he knew that this was one prayer God was not going to answer. So, Zechariah and Elizabeth stopped praying for a child.
They began to believe that if God was ever going to answer that prayer, He would have answered it by now. That was not an unreasonable conclusion. Luke tells us that they were both old: "Elizabeth was barren; and they were both well along in years." What a nice way to put it: they were older than dirt! They were all used up. They had nothing left to offer.
Some questions to think about: How many prayers have you stopped praying because the answer has not yet come? How many reasonable conclusions have you reached because if God were to answer your prayer, it would have been answered by now?
How many of us believe that because we have reached the end of our endurance, that God has also come to the end of His resources? How many of us believe that answered prayer is what happens to the other guy?
Zechariah and his wife were both descended from priestly families. He took his place among the priests at every special day and performed the rituals of the faith, along with the other priests. In verse 9 we are told that Zechariah was chosen by lot to enter the Holy Place and burn incense before the Lord.
This was a great honor for a priest, and since there were many thousands of priests, it is quite possible that one could live his whole life as a priest and never have that honor. So, this was a very special day for Zechariah.
The faithful were outside praying and devoutly seeking God while Zechariah the priest entered the Holy Place to light the incense before the Lord. When the angel of the Lord appeared to him, Zechariah responded the way anyone would: he was full of fear. Fear in the presence of God is a very reasonable response.
Some Christians have come to believe that God is their cosmic buddy, that hanging around with Him would be a hoot. But that is a false belief. The manifest presence of God always produces fear.
That fear is not the fear you experience when faced with a bully in the schoolyard; rather, it is the fear you feel when you, in your sin, are confronted by TOTAL AND COMPLETE HOLINESS, RIGHTEOUSNESS, and UTTER PERFECTION. God is so "other," so beyond us in holiness, in the revelation of His might, in the opening our eyes to His deeply personal love for us – that knowledge cuts us to the very core of our beings.
God's knowledge of us, from our greatest joys to our darkest secrets, lays bare our hearts. The revelation of God brings us to a place where we are undone. We are toast. As one who is completely unworthy, as one who deserves to be crumpled up and thrown into the flames, Zechariah was, just as you and I would be, "gripped with fear."
Before Zechariah stood God's messenger, who later identified himself as Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God. Just now, Gabriel's desire is to bring peace to Zechariah's heart, and to encourage him not to be afraid, which was no small task.
Some peace! – he tells Zechariah, "Your prayer has been heard." What prayer? Which prayer, of the thousands of prayers he has prayed? Oh, that prayer! That prayer which he had stopped praying... for which he had given up hope... which no longer was possible to be answered. ZECHARIAH WAS TOLD THAT PRAYER WILL BE ANSWERED BY GOD.
Now would probably be the right time to tell you what the name Zechariah means. The name Zechariah means "The Lord remembers." Our short term memory has just about fizzled, but God remembers. That cry of your heart is not forgotten by God; GOD REMEMBERS. That prayer you prayed for years on end, and finally gave up praying; GOD REMEMBERS.
Your age is not a problem to God. Your barrenness is not a problem to God. Your physical ability, your financial situation, the state of your health, your family situation – none of that is a problem to God. This is the God whose messenger spoke to Zachariah and promised him a son in his old age.
Not only a son is promised, but Zechariah was told that this son that Elizabeth would bear will be named John. He will be a man of destiny. John will be a man of great faith, who will be the forerunner of the Kingdom of God . John "will be great in the sight of the Lord." He will preach so that many people will repent... will turn toward God... will come home to God, be converted... turn away from sin.
It was at that moment Zechariah found, when it came to faith, he was running on empty. While he was a man of faith on the outside, he was a blatant unbeliever on the inside. When God spoke, Zechariah doubted. He looked up at that angel, at that messenger of the Most High God, and doubt sprayed out of his mouth, right in the face of the angel who stands in the presence of God.
This could hardly have been more of a definite Word from God. Yet, Zechariah was not certain. He was not sure. He could not understand how it could possibly happen that way.
Faith was five months pregnant with twin boys. We were to leave JP in two weeks. We were excited…have twins in the US . That eve, she felt pain and soon we were in the car driving to a hospital in Fusa. As driving out down the road, we realized that this was not going to end well. Boys were too young and most likely will die.
We DECIDED to give it to the Lord…in prayer, scripture and song, we kept driving. Within a few miles of the hospital, our first son came out and Faith laid him on her lap. Between the street lamps, I could see him. Then #2 came. Both boys were beautiful yet way too small. At the hospital, they tried to keep them alive. I held their hands and felt their hearts beating fast.
Later that night, Son #1 died. A few hours later, #2 went to the Lord. I otld Faith, we both cried but they were not tears of anger. I drove home and laid on the floor. I felt the Eternal Arms of my Go d holding me. I thought, when He lets me go, what will my feelings be.
He said to my heart: “I will never let you go, nor forsake you.” I KNEW His Peace that passes understanding. Anna was born to us during our US stay and a number years later, Joseph and John came to us. Quiver is full. His Peace still holds us. Our prayers for boy children was heard…years later. just when we were finished with the dream.
We DECIDED to give it to the Lord…in prayer, scripture and song, we kept driving. Within a few miles of the hospital, our first son came out and Faith laid him on her lap. Between the street lamps, I could see him. Then #2 came. Both boys were beautiful yet way too small. At the hospital, they tried to keep them alive. I held their hands and felt their hearts beating fast.
Later that night, Son #1 died. A few hours later, #2 went to the Lord. I otld Faith, we both cried but they were not tears of anger. I drove home and laid on the floor. I felt the Eternal Arms of my Go d holding me. I thought, when He lets me go, what will my feelings be.
He said to my heart: “I will never let you go, nor forsake you.” I KNEW His Peace that passes understanding. Anna was born to us during our US stay and a number years later, Joseph and John came to us. Quiver is full. His Peace still holds us. Our prayers for boy children was heard…years later. just when we were finished with the dream.
When God answers prayer, we need to be ready to receive His answer, don't we? Zechariah was not ready, he was not prepared for the answer of God to the prayer of his life. His life's prayer was not some trivial thing. He and his wife had prayed for a son. But when God moved, he did not recognize the handiwork of God. As a result, Zechariah was made unable to speak.
If you look ahead to Luke 1: 62, you see there that after John was born, people "made signs to his father, to find out what he would like to name the child." It appears Zechariah was not only unable to speak, but he was also unable to hear. He was made deaf and dumb for nearly a year.
Even though Luke says they were both well along in years, they must have still enjoyed their marriage relationship, because in due course, Elizabeth became pregnant, just as God said.
But Zechariah could not speak, which was probably a great blessing to his wife, and his loss of speech continued until the promise of God to him was completely kept, which was another great blessing. Even as his wife grew more and more visibly pregnant, Zechariah could not testify that this was God's goodness, THIS WAS GOD'S HAND OF FAITHFULNESS TO HIM and his wife.
But Elizabeth could speak, and she did, verse 25. Even though she was just as well along in years as her husband, SHE HAD NOT LOST HOPE. She had not lost her faith that the will and purpose of God was a living and driving force in her life.
During that whole time, Zechariah was unable to speak and apparently unable to hear. As he had a great deal of time on his hands, A LONG PERIOD OF SILENCE ENVELOPED HIM. This was time God designed into the life of Zechariah for him to reflect on the Word of God and the work of God in his life.
From that moment until his newborn baby was to be presented in the temple after his birth, Zechariah was silent. He could not preach. He could not converse with his wife or with their friends. He was able to speak only to God. His was a year-long enforced quiet time!
Zechariah had lost his ability to testify to God's goodness and His faithfulness. When we doubt God's word to us, we lose our joy, and the song of our heart is silenced. We live in a day, probably not unlike any other day, but today hope is dried up for many.
The heart is only an organ that pumps blood. Joy is more than just a dish washing detergent. A relationship with God is something very dry and religious.
The song of many hearts is silenced-because when God gave us an opportunity to trust Him, we doubted, even in the face of His promise. Even when God was about to answer, we ran out of faith just we reached Heartbreak Hill.
Are you ready for God to answer your prayer? Are you thinking that God has passed you by and that it is no longer possible for God to answer your prayer? God has not forgotten you, just as He did not forget old man Zechariah and old lady Elizabeth. God's heart is for you. His will for your life is always good. His purpose is always to build you up and not to tear you down. Even in pain and difficulty, God is working our lives out for our good and His purpose.
Much thanks goes to Ed and Cheiko for their hard work and time spent getting this ready for print.