Saturday, March 15, 2008

He Comes! John 12:12-19

This Sunday is Palm Sunday.

What does that mean and what does it mean to us today?

While that is a good question, I do hope that the specialness of the day does not talk away from the true meaning.  Face it, when was the last time you were welcomed into a city or town , or even an eating place with this kind of fan fare?  For the people of Jerusalem, this was a BIG thing!  A VERY BIG THING!  Why?

Well, you come and see for yourself.  And while you come, stay for the Love Feast or Covered Dish right after the service.  Bring some food or drinks to share and enjoy the time with new or old friends.  He comes is the title of the talk but YOU come and worship Him, OK?

See you on Sunday Morning.

And while you are at it, please consider coming to the SonRise service just outside the Kokukoen train station (Park side) at 7 AM on March 23--next Sunday.  This is Resurrection Sunday.  We meet together during the early morning time to remember and rejoice in the fact that our Lord Jesus Lives!
The Early Church use to say: "He is Risen!"  "He is risen, indeed!"  

The Church today needs to say that and live that reality each day!  Jesus was killed for our sins on the Cross and three days later, He came back from the dead.  He is the Victor!  He is Lord!

Then, at 8:30, please join us for a light breakfast back at the Chapel (6-16 Enoki-Cho).  Bible education takes place next at the GrowZone--for all ages at 9:30.  Then at 10:30, we will begin the morning worship service to praise and worship the Living Lord!

Join us!