On Monday, our Landlord put cardboard around the signboard. It did not look all that good, but the repairperson was coming in a few days and having broken glass out there just did not look safe!
On the following Friday, I visited a friend who is helping us find wheelchairs for Wheelchairs of Hope. She thought that I was coming by to say good-bye. She had gone by the Chapel and saw the signboard all 'boarded up' and thought we had closed!
We are still open for business! And we are open for worship. Thing is, that Sunday, June 24, we started our new summer schedule! The worship service started at 10:00 AM and not at 10:30. Please note the change. We will return to the 10:30 on the first Sunday in September. We have also stopped the Sunday School program for the summer. We call the Sunday School "the GrowZone." You may want to come in September. We have room for a number of new classes. Maybe, even an Alpha Course! Keep your eyes open for the changes.
Well, on June 10, we had Vidar A. speak for us. It was his last Sunday with us as he is now on his way home in Norway. He spoke on John 10:1-20. We need to be careful of the thief that comes to steal and kill and destroy. Two week's ago, Rev. Toshio Nagai from Wycliffe Bible Translators delivered the message. He even spoke in English. His main text was Colossians1:6
He told us of the needs around the world for Bible translation. Well over 2,000 language groups around the world do not have any form of the Holy Scriptures in their heart language. They are working to reach that goal by 2025. How can we help them? We can visit their web site: http://www.wycliffe.org/“This same Good News that came to you is going out all over the world. It is changing lives everywhere, just as it changed yours that very first day you heard and understood the truth about God's great kindness to sinners.”
We can volunteer to help them.
We could also go oversees on a short-term project.
Whatever you do, please pray for this project. Being part of the solution is much better than being part of the problem. It has been said: If you are board with life, go fix the world!
Last Sunday, Pastor Stan returned with this year's last sermon from the Book of Acts until the Fall. You may want to read in Acts 19:11-22. We will also had a baptism. Make plans to attend thisweek, OK? See you there!
Under His Grace.
Pastor Stan
Back again!
This time we will be stating the Summer Series on the writings of Paul. Our first look at how he sees things is from Colossians. We will also celebrate the Lord's Table. As often as we eat and drink, our memory of His great Gift of Eternal Life should come to mind. Also that He had promised to return to take us with Him for Eternity.
Are you ready for that?
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