Sunday, September 21, 2008

The ART of Returning to God: Jonah 2

神様のもとへ戻る方法 ヨナ書2章
Think back to when you were a disobedient child…some just need to think back to this morning…how did it feel for you to know that your actions really hurt your parent's heart? How did you face them after this breaking of the family rules? Were you able to look at them in their face-eye to eye-and tell them that you were sorry?


As a parent, is it better not to respond at all to the disobedience of the child-just let it go-or is it better to confront the child-showing them their error, dealing with the broken rules and thus dealing with the broken relationship?
Isn't that what really happens when there is a law or rule that is broken? This action of disobedience produces a break in the relationship.

Both Japan and the US are experiencing some rather hard times with the rainstorms that had invaded our countries. The Philippines, Taiwan, China and the host of island countries in the Caribbean are in the same situation. Some of these countries have special jetties that keep out the sea or stop rivers from spilling into the inhabited areas.

In some cases, the sea surge has been so server, the jetties have collapsed or caved into the pressure and lives have been taken. We feel bad when we see the reports on the TV. This was such a waste of lives and of money. Some areas have been flooded EVERY year for the past 10-20 years. Why go back there? Why try and rebuild? In Haiti, some homes were destroyed three times in one month! How can there be a rebuild and with what?

Relationships are very much like that. The storms of disobedience or anger have taken their toll on us. Relationships have had their jetties broken in, caved into the pressures of the world, broken down because of -sin. What to do?

At times, it maybe better for the two parties to separate for a while until they can face each other with a controlled mind. But yet, God does not really want us to remain separated from Him because of our sin.

The jetties have been broken. God really wishes to be reconciled to us and to see us continue walking with Him as growing learners. (You need to remember that Jesus Himself has provided THE way for us to be restored to a right relationship with God through Himself.) So, when we sin, He is the one who seeks us out in His compassion, brings us to repent and points us back to the right way once again---once again, and again.

That is where we are in the book of Jonah. Running away from what God wanted him to do…what God wanted him to say…to a people who he already wanted God to burn up and get the punishment they dissevered.

Yet, when we sin, God seeks us out and He did the same for our sprinter from God, Jonah. And he did it in the belly of a fish-for three days!
God does not throw us away! He sees much worth in our lives. Even when we blow it! He sees one of His image bearers in need of comfort and love and forgiveness and reconciliation-of re-formation!

Read Chapter Two

The Art of Returning To God
Cry Out for God's Mercy and God is Merciful to the Humble.
A. Return in Brokenness.
My dear older brother has a church out on Cape Cod, Mass. A great location yet has had a number of financial challenges over the years with different large employment leaving the area. Dealing with this topic of repenting, Ed wrote this week:
A. 砕かれた魂の戻り

we have noticed that real repentance is far from easy. Certainly, you can move through a worship service designed to kindle repentance, but to really repent? Now, that's something completely different. It is hard to repent. In fact, we resist repentance. When we do repent, sometimes it seems as though we are just going through the motions. Not often do we see repentance for real and with real effect on our lives.

I really wonder what was going on in the mind of Jonah just before he said what we read this morning. I wonder if he was trying to figure this whole mess out. I wonder if he was really sorry for his running away from God.

Was Jonah really MADE to repent? Or, did it take real humility for this man to cry out to God from inside the fish? If Jonah remained mad at God … I mean really mad at Him, would God have rescued him?」

Breaking things happen. A dish, a flowerpot, a window. Once it happens, there is little to do but clean it up. Sometimes it can be put back together again.

With this God we are talking about, He is really ready and able to make it well again! He hears Jonah's heart-he realizes his mistake of disobeying God.

Why is it so hard to ask for forgiveness? Because we don't believe it will happen. If I break our relationship, and then ask for forgiveness, you could say, Yes, Stan, I forgive you…but you still will not forget the offense. It stays.

But with God, even though He says He will take the offense as far away as the East is from the West and that He will not remember it no more-We don't believe Him. Remember His Name? G-O-D. He is not man! He is not like one of us! Gone are the memories of past offenses once forgiveness was sought after. Jonah tried to end his life and found it ended in a belly of a fish. But God's way lead to mission and meaning. You make the choice: Belly or brokenness and healing?

1. Return _in brokenness_
"From the depths of the grave I called for help, and You listened to my cry."
Our God hears our cries-even when we don't feel He does. He may be saying-“Not yet My daughter… Not yet, My Son…a little more and then I will get more Glory.” Not about Me! I need to be a growing learner.
1. 砕かれて戻る

2. Return in Thanksgiving
Now that God heard his heart cry, the fish threw Jonah up and set him on his way to do ministry.

But was Jonah joyful? He was still going to a place he really did not want to go. Yet, Jonah said: “BUT I, with a song of thanksgiving, will sacrifice to You.” Go to 1 Thessalonians 5:18 When we don't feel like it, it becomes a sacrifice of joy and thanksgiving.
What was Jonah's reward of repenting? He did not know he was going to live. See verse 10.
2. Return _in thanksgiving_
"But I, with a song of thanksgiving, will sacrifice to You."
Just a word of care: God and humans don't really like being around people who are negative and joyless, around discontent, whiny people who complain all the time and never seem satisfied. Community works better in the light than it does in sourness. If this is a problem with you, work at it. Ask for help!

B. God is Merciful to the Humble.
He hears our prayers.
This has to be one of the greatest truths of Scripture. Remember Jonah, there in the belly, covered with fish stuff and seaweed, feeling alone and lost and finally coming to his senses and seeks God's forgiveness. He deserved banishment, deep sea death, separation from God BUT, this same God, who is rich in Mercy and compassion was able to hear his confession, forgive him and restore him in the relationship.

1. He _hears our prayers__
"my prayer rose to You, to Your Holy Temple."
Words and Music by Tommy Walker © 1996 Doulos Publishing
Jeremiah 1:5_"Before I formed you in the belly I knew you."
I have a Maker. He formed my heart, Before even time began, My life was in His hands
He knows my name. He knows my every thought. He sees each tear that falls. and He hears me when I call
I have a Father, He calls me His own._He'll never leave me,_ No matter where I go _

In the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector (Luke 18:9~14), Jesus describes two different men who went to God in prayer. The Pharisee was full of self-righteousness and pride, and he praised himself before God rather than offering true praise to the Father.

The tax collector humbled himself and cried out to God for mercy and forgiveness. He knew he had sinned and wanted to be truly right with God. He allowed God room to show him love and mercy. How did the Pharisee's attitude prevent God from answering any prayers he offered?

How does pride hinder our prayers? Why does God require humility of us when we pray?
Do you think God could have still used Jonah if Jonah prayed, "O God, I'm a sinner and will always be a sinner. Please comfort me because I am a wretched person with no hope of getting better?" That is false humility. What is true humility? Be Like Him!
プライドが祈りの邪魔をするでしょうか? 何故神様は私たちが祈るとき、へりくだるようにと言われるのですか?

I am wrong and I grieve my sin before You. It sickens me to know You were offended because I said that-because I did that, and I am so, so sorry.

2. He _Rescues Us From our Sin__
"But You brought my life up from the pit, O Lord my God."

1 Corinthians 10:12-14 (NIV) So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall! No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

He is a Holy God. Set apart from us by His Character of Holiness. We cannot fool Him nor should we want to. He tells us to come to Him, yet we are covered with sin's dirt. His Holiness can remove that from us and restore us to Himself. Go & do that!

Just like His prayer He taught us... On earth as it is in Heaven…
イエス様が教えてくださったように祈り 地でも天でも ...

(Outline and some ideas come from a Web page Bible site Power Point Bible Lessons.)

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