Monday, April 28, 2008

You are precious in His sight!

イザヤ書 / 43章 4節

I am told that this verse in Japanese is much stronger than in English.  I will need to take their word for it!  Isaiah 43:4 says: "Since you are precious and honored in My sight, and because I love you, I will give men in exchange for you, and people in exchange for your life."

The message that this verse deals with is a MOST needy piece of information for today's people.  Here in Japan, I hear about the number of people who kill themselves by falling in front of trains.  A wooded area near Mt. Fuji where people go to kill themselves.  PLEASE STOP!  

Know that He, the God who made you, LOVES you so much!  YOU are precious and honored in His sight!  Know that, my dear visitor.  Know that and tell Him of your situation.  He knows it anyway.  (He is God!)  And ask Him for help.  Tell Him of your need for love.  Your need for understanding.  Your need of relationships.  He will not only understand your cry for help, HE WILL HELP YOU!

Contact a friend who loves you.  Contact a local Church.  Ask for a Bible and read the Gospel of John, in the New Testament.  This part of the Bible will let you see who Jesus is and you will learn of His gift of His life for yours.  He paid the price to set you free.  Ask Him to forgive you for your sins.  He IS faithful and will forgive you of your sins. (1 John 1:8-9)  He will forgive you and come into your life with His promised Holy Spirit.  He will clean you up and give you His Heart.  Sounds strange?  But you know it is true.

May His Grace fill your heart today as you seek Him.

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