Sunday, February 8, 2009

Freedom In Christ: Goodness. 善意 Life by the Spirit

キリストにある自由 : 善意 - 御霊による生活
GAL 5:1, 4, 5, 16-26.

In review, God has given us gifts from His Heart to move us along in our Spiritual walk/journey. He as not left us to grow on our own. We are to grow in Community and in the Spirit. This means it is not good for people to stand alone in the Faith.

NOT at all. In Biblical History, we see man after man, standing NOT ALONE but with others. Noah had his sons, Joseph had Egyptian workers, Abraham had his wife and nephew, David had his Men of Valor, and Moses had Aaron and his leaders. Samson even had his helpers who moved him to the center columns of the building. All needed the fellowship of others.

And in the New Testament, we see the same. Even Jesus had his 12, His close friends (three), Paul had his Timothy, Priscilla had her Aquila and they were there for Apollos.

Why, because we are to live and work in community with each other. One of the reasons we are here together today is that your Pastors got together one day and said: “Let's worship together!”
It is expressing the Freedom we have in Christ. He has indeed set us free.

Free from the punishment of Sin by accepting His Son as our Savior. Freedom to follow His Lead. Freedom to obey His Holy Spirit. Freedom to stand firm and not let ourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery---as we once lived in our wrong actions and falling short of the mark.

We need a Savior! We are trying to make it in this world on our own. After a while, it comes to us-some of us-that this can't be done by ourselves. He has planned to come along side us and give us gifts to move us closer. This comes with the indwelling of His Spirit. He gives us the Fruit of the Spirit, (FOUND in GAL 5).

We spoke of Love, Joy, Peace, Patience and last week, we looked at Kindness. Today, we are looking at LIFE BY THE SPIRIT with GOODNESS.

To see this GOODNESS in our God and in history, let's look back at
PROVERBS 11:25 A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.

It is not: I'll refresh someone SO THAT I WILL GET A REWARD. So often, we may use this idea in our giving. There cannot be any strings attached to the gift…really. No strings attached to the giving of help or a spoken word. A generous man is that way because he does not want things returned to him.

He has a generous heart because of what the Lord has done in him. The return is not to be sought after. Ever! We don't give to get! This goes along with tithing to the local Church. Give to the Lord your tithe and an offering because He has said for us to do that. Not so that we get blessed. Doing so-we are obedient.

An excellent example of this goodness is found in MATT 20:1-16.
Tell the story… . Four different men said they would work for a denarius a day. (was worth a good day's wage or they are worth from $15.00 to $100.00 + on e-bay today.)

15 Don't I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?'

There would be a call of unfair-trade practice, or foul play. Some called the boss unfair as the ones who came later got the same pay for the little work they did as the ones who worked all day for that same pay. As the owner said, it was his money. This was the agreement!

Can't he do with it as he sees fit? He is generous, yes, but he is also showing Goodness or Generosity to both groups. It's a God-like trait. This is a good thing!
As with the parable of the Lost Son (Luke 15.11-32), God's Grace is shown to both parties while one grumbles about unjust treatment and the other just feels so in touch with the Father.

Freedom in Christ in Goodness~
GAL 6:9-10 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

Charity begins at home. All over the Bible, we can see that this goodness is first shared within the Family. It is a sign of love to the family. Not being unkind to outsiders: this is the varsity team. To play in the varsity team, you need to be a varsity player. To take part in the main event, you are part of the Family.

Part of the good we are to do is to GO. Matt 28 tells us to GO and make disciples of ALL nations. As this is the last command Jesus gives to His Church, it is imperative that we follow it. In the military, the soldier is to follow the LAST order he gets. Look at the last order:

Go, Make, Baptize 'em, Teach 'em, …for I am with you-forever.

Keep going, don't stop, it was His last order. If we do give up, there will not be a harvest! So GO, until He says stop or go back. And don't grow tired of this. FOR the harvest is the reward for both the go-ier and those (s)he goes to. Don't give up. Keep showing goodness to all people.

Freedom in Christ in Goodness~
2 TIM 3:17 so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Ⅱテモテ3:17 それは神の人が、すべての良い働きのためにふさわしい十分に整えられた者となるためです。
Freedom in Christ in Goodness~
The Sermon on the Plain. Luke 6. This chapter gives the fair response to being a recipient of God's Grace. Followers of Jesus-His Disciples, are to live and relate to others in a way that stands out from how people relate to one another in the world.

We are to love and pray for our enemies. Righteousness He places in us requires that we respond wisely to Jesus' words by building our lives around His teaching. In the end, disciples are to live and look different from the rest of the world, even as they reach out compassionately to that lost world.

This freedom we are to live out in very practical terms may mean that we change how we look at people. Not that we pray against those outside the faith or outside the light we have, no! We are to love them.

2 PETER 3:9 The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

And we are to love them with God's Goodness: HIS PATIENT LOVE. Those who walk with Jesus need to, perhaps, change how we think-how we love-how we act toward those outside our world.
Apart from being IN Christ, we really don't look any different from the world system.

We follow their adds for what we want-what they want us to buy. We learn to believe what they teach us to believe-by heeding their teaching, we kill those we don't want, we buy what we can't afford, we conduct ourselves in the ways they do RATHER than being the salt. We need to bringing God's Change on our society.

For example: I'm a fan of Old movies. James Cagney was one of my favorite actors. His tough guy attitude was fun to watch acted out in his characters. A lot of believers pick up on one of his lines and make it their theology of how we deal with those outside the faith. He would say: “You dirty rat, you should not have done that!”

Some in the Church say the same thing about those outside the Faith. But Jesus wants more out of us. His call to His Followers is a call not to condemn the world, but zeroes in on our actions and attitudes toward others.

Freedom in Christ in Goodness~
One is to be generous and another is not keeping accounts. This is a FREEDOM we have. Disciples should be marked by a genuine readiness to meet needs.

To the one who begs; give. From the one who takes; do not seek to get it back. Resources are not to be hoarded, but generously distributed. (See 1 Timothy 6:8-18.) In the case of thievery, no pursuit of retribution or payback or revenge.

Such self-denial is the essence of love, which is God's Goodness being acted out in Life. The complete example of this is the Cross. Jesus gave to those who had taken. No payback. He took our sins-short comings on Himself.

Freedom in Christ in Goodness~
When His opponents took His life, Jesus did not seek reprisal but prayed “Father, forgive them…” prayed for their forgiveness. Jesus was more interested in giving something that would build than in retrieving what had been taken.

This is a picture of action that manifests radical love. The world's standards of love should be improved on-not followed. But we can only accept such a standard if we believe that God will see the Faithful. You are not alone! Without a God-view to build on, Jesus' ethics fade into pointlessness and lacks wisdom.

So Jesus offers what became known in the sixteenth century as the "golden rule": Do to others as you would have them do to you. The verse has Old Testament roots
(LEV 19:18 “'Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD'”).
Jesus is not saying, "Do good deeds for others so they will return the favor."

Instead Jesus is calling for actions of love regardless of how the other responds. Nor is He saying, "Think of what you like, then do that for others." Rather, we are to be sensitive to the needs, feelings and concerns of others and seek to meet them.

Sensitivity in love means listening and serving. This does not mean ignoring moral limits, as Jesus makes them very clear, but it does mean caring enough to be concern-ed about how others feel. There is an old saying "walk a mile in my shoes" and it might fit here: we are to look at things from another's perspective and then we are to act and act with concern for them, for Christ' sake.

Freedom in Christ in Goodness~
I read this sometime this week: Terrorist has killed 3,000 US citizens since 1990. Abortionists have killed 4,000 since yesterday. In the today's world, this would mean not just protesting against abortion but being prepared to care for the child that is born to a mother who has chosen not to abort.

Not cutting them off-not shooting the wounded. More than this, we are called to continue to love those who go ahead with their intention to abort. It means not just talking about cultural oneness in the church but acting out real oneness in community.Your life affects my life.

Even more, Luke 6 calls us to show tangible concern for unbelievers in need, so when someone tells them that God loves them, they will have seen evidence of such love.

Freedom in Christ in Goodness~
Jesus repeats His examples in Luke 6:32-34 but adds one more point:

If we love only those who give us love, what is so great about that kind of love? It is like the love sinners give. If we do good only to those who do good to us, what is so special about that? It is like the love sinners give. If we lend money only to those who will respond in kind, what is so honorable about that? It is the ethics sinners have.

The clear implication is that the disciples are not to live and love like sinners. The love of believers is to be different from the love displayed by the culture. As children of God, believers have been transformed to live in contrast to the way of sinners, modeling the sacrifice of radical love demonstrated on the Cross.

So Jesus summarizes: love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. When we give, it should not be with strings attached. When we serve, it should be to meet needs, not to give 'tit for tat.' True service involves a giving that does not demand a giving back. The essence of relationship for the child of God is to love to serve and serve to love.

Freedom in Christ in Goodness~
The whole teaching on Goodness centers on thinking like Jesus thought. Responding to life's challenges like the way Jesus responded. To be like Him and that comes with the territory when we are connected to Him. Reflecting Him in our life-style because there is a renewal of the mind.

ROMANS 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-His good, pleasing and perfect will…
ローマ12:2 この世と調子を合わせてはいけません。いや、むしろ神のみこころは何か、すなわち、何がよいことで、神に受け入れられ、完全であるのかを心の一新によって自分を変えなさい。
connected to Him through the VINE.


Next Week at ICCS: Covered Dish after the service. Vineyard Christian Fellowship's Worship Band will lead the Worship time. Pastor Araki will bring the sermon and Tim Timura will translate into English. Come a worship with us! Stay for the meal!


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