Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Day SIX: 26 May

FORGIVE! Forgive us our sins

To You, our God, belong mercy and forgiveness, for You are merciful and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. You forgive iniquity, transgression and sin.

The blood of your Son, Jesus Christ, has been poured out for the forgiveness of sin, and through His blood we are cleansed from all our iniquities.

Let the blood of Jesus speak on our behalf at the throne of Grace.

Forgive us for our sinful ways.

May the Blood of Jesus sanctify us and cleanse our conscience from acts that lead to death.

Empower us through the Holy Spirit to break the hold of sin over our lives, so that we will abandon patterns of sin and find grace to renounce any allegiance to the powers of darkness.

Let your Holy Spirit move on the hearts of men and women to convict them of sin and bring them to repentance through godly sorrow.

Soften our hearts to see how lives are destroyed through sins that bring about war, poverty and injustice.

Give us a new spirit and a new heart to obey Your commands and bring joy to Your heart.

Thank You for your patience towards us and for Your desire that all people will come to repentance.

for the Spirit of God to move on the hearts of men and women so that they will be able to see how God is grieved and how their lives are being destroyed by sin.

for the Spirit of God to empower people to abandon patterns of sin and find grace to renounce allegiance to powers of darkness.

for recognition of and repentance from sins that bring about war, poverty and injustice.

"...and turn from their wicked ways..." 2 Chronicles 7:14

Prepare to repent: Seek more than mere wordy confessions. Instead, ask God to give you power to turn from any hint of evil and to abandon any hurtful way. Let God lift your heart with hope that He will bring lasting change throughout your community and relationships.

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