Saturday, December 18, 2010

ICCS クリスマス行事/Christmas @ ICCS

祈りの道のり 12月20日(月)


Prayer Walk: December 20 (Monday)

Meet at ICCS at 10:30 for a prayer walk around Kotesashi and Tokorozawa.

シンガポール料理教室 12月22日(水)午後3:30~5:30


Singapore Cooking Class: December 22 (Wednesday), 3:30-5:30 PM

Come enjoy a demonstration of delicious Singapore cuisine. Please try to sign up in groups of 2-3. Each group should bring a gas cooking stove, utensils, and obento boxes to take your dinner home. Ingredients will be provided. Cost is ¥500/person. Babysitting provided. For details and to sign up, contact Ann Endo,

子供会 12月23日(木、祝日)午後3時から5時まで


Children’s Party--December 23 (Thursday, National Holiday), 3-5 PM

Please bring your children and their friends to this fun event led by the visiting mission team from Singapore.

キャンドルライト礼拝とキャロリング 12月24日(金、クリスマスイブ、午後7時より)礼拝、軽食、榎町の人たちと喜びを分かち合います。

Candlelight Service and Caroling--December 24 (Friday, Christmas Eve, 7 PM~)

Worship, light refreshments, sharing our joy with Enoki-cho.

シンガポールのみなさんとのクリスマス会 12月25日(土、クリスマス、午後零時から3時まで)


Singapore Community Christmas Party--December 25 (Saturday, Christmas Day), 12-3 PM)

Share the real Christmas spirit at ICCS with guests from our community, and enjoy delicious food from Singapore.

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